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Ready to get back to your zone of brilliance?

Hi, I'm Lavelle, an experienced Project Manager who helps online service providers go from overwhelmed and busy to organized and brilliant.

Let’s talk about how you got here….

Not just here on my website looking for your next level of support, but here in this place where your business needs someone other than you doing ‘all of the things’. You got here because you stepped out of your comfort zone. You got here because you built an amazing business. You got here because you’re smart enough to know that what your business needs now is you working in your zone of brilliance and not your zone of burnout. Let me help you to continue to build something amazing and take your business to the next level with better systems, support, and solutions.

Online Business Management
Improve your Organizational Skills

Choosing your tech?

Here’s my recommended list of tech/apps that can help you to work better in your business. From project management tools to invoicing systems, grab the Get Organized Be Brilliant list.


Lavelle was great to work with. Lavelle is attentive to details, a great implementer, and fantastic at administrative support. I was able to focus more on other aspects of my business which freed me a ton of time.
Client Review Melody Johnson
Melody Johnson
The Course Consultant
I love a lot of things about working with you. I love that you are quick as a whip, you pay attention to details and you see things I don’t see. You take immediate action, you not only follow my flow, you follow multiple flows and can manage multiple projects without missing a beat. Your troubleshooting abilities are impressive and I love that I can rely on you to see things ahead of time.
Brighid Murphy
Brighid Murphy
Transformational Healing Coach
Lavelle’s research and project management skills are unmatched. My business would not be as far along without the support of Outsource Mondays......... Lavelle does this with grace, flexibility, and a supportive attitude towards clients while understanding the daily challenges and pressure business owners often experience. I would recommend the Outsource Mondays team if you’re looking for support and don’t know where to start.
Technical Virtual Assistance
Plantitary CEO
Online Business Owner

More Client Love this way....

Let’s work together

If you’re a coach, consultant, or service provider who needs help with your tech, tasks, or teams,
let’s talk about how I can help you in your business.

Follow me @outsourcemondays

Improve your Organizational Skills

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