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4 Easy Steps to Show Up As An Authority on LinkedIn

Show Up As An Authority on LinkedIn

Are you using LinkedIn to grow your network or your business? Do you ‘look’ like someone that’s an expert? Are you acting like someone that’s an expert?

Here are some simple, easy steps to not only act like an expert, but also look like an expert on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Authority

Add a Profile Picture

I don’t know about you, but if someone is telling me that they’re an expert, I want to at least see how they look. And I get it, I struggled with this too (introvert here). I asked myself the question, why do people need to see a picture of me to know that I can get a job done or that I know what I’m talking about? What if someone discriminates against me after they see who I am or how I look?

But eventually I realized, people are humans. BIG EPIPHANY, right? Humans want to work with other humans and if someone didn’t want to work with me because of the way that I look, why would I want to work with them?

Add a Background Picture

There is a space on your profile where you can add a background image. Who didn’t know? A whole lot of people. Some people setup their LinkedIn profiles before this feature was available and never came back or only pop in once in a while and never stop long enough to add one. For me, this signals those who are actively using the platform.

It’s easy to add a background image. I’m not saying it has to be elaborate, however if you do want some tips on what to use for the background image, head here to this Forbes article, on 10 LinkedIn Background Photo Ideas to make your profile stand out.

Setup a Company Page – Entrepreneurs

Some entrepreneurs feel like LinkedIn is only for career professionals who work in Corporate America. Not true. Yes, those who work for an organization can link their profiles to their organization by adding it to their career history, but so can you.

When you add your company page to LinkedIn, instead of that grey building that shows up on your profile where you have your company listed in your work history, you can link to your business page. So, now when people click on your organization they can learn more about your company and what you do.


Connect with colleagues. Join a special interest group like, Women in Technology or Startup and Entrepreneurs Network (no affiliation with either). Follow a business page or two that interests you.

Ready to start networking? Connect with me on LinkedIn here.

Do you want to start showing up as an authority on LinkedIn? Look/act like one.

Share your LinkedIn Company page in the comments below. Let’s see what your company is all about.

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