Are you ready for the new year? What are your goals? What are you looking forward to? What do you hope to achieve in this new year? How do you plan to grow yourself and your business?
If you haven’t set your annual goals yet, here are some questions that you should ask yourself to get you started.

Where have I been?
What did you accomplish in your business in the last 12 months? Take a look at where you were at the start of the last year and describe how your business has grown since then. Did you get an increase in clients and revenue? Did you lose clients and revenue? Did you grow a social media following? Did you setup new funnels in your business and if so, how many new leads did you capture?
Document all these things to use as a reference to see what’s trending in your business. Good trends can be repeated in the future. Declining trends need to be monitored so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes in the new year. Where has your business been last year?
Where do I want to go?
Now that you know where you your business has been and where it currently stands, it’s time to determine where you want it to go. Do you just want it to stay on the steady beat that it has been on for the last 12 months? Do you want an increase in clients or revenues? Do you want to drop or add services in your business?
All of this can be determined by the goals that you set for your business now. Where do you want your business to be in the next 12 months? Even if you don’t want to grow, you have to set some goals on what you want that to look like. Maintenance takes work too!
Where do you want to go? Write down your business goals now for this year.
How am I going to get there?
Now. What’s your plan to accomplish these goals? They aren’t just going to accomplish themselves because you’ve written them down on paper or in your Google Doc. You need to begin laying out what it’s going to take to accomplish these annual goals.
What actions will help you to accomplish your goals? Develop a strategy that’s going to lay out everything that needs to happen.
The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.
Melody Beattie
When am I going to get there?
This is a good question to think through. Even though you have a lot of things that you want to accomplish in your business in the new year, it doesn’t mean that you have to go after it all at once. You want to actually succeed at your goals and not burn out because your focus was in too many places at one time.
Think about strategically planning out when you will focus on each goal. When does it make the most sense? Does your business have a slump in certain months of the year? Do you know you get an influx of new leads/clients at the same time each year?
This is part of the reason why you documented where you’ve been. Paying attention to the trends in your business can help you to plan better year over year.
Your Virtual Asset @ Outsource Mondays
How many goals are you going after this year? Share below.