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How to Make Your First Monday Productive 2022

How to Make the First Monday Productive

Today is the First Monday of 2022!! 2022 – how crazy it is to say that already. But officially today is called National Thank God It’s Monday Day. Who knew that was a thing? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Here are some quick tips to get your Mondays off to a good start for 2022. Are you ready? Take It Easy Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t set super high expectations that today… Read More »How to Make the First Monday Productive

Setting Your Annual Goals

4 Tips to Setting Your Annual Goals

Are you ready for the new year? What are your goals? What are you looking forward to? What do you hope to achieve in this new year? How do you plan to grow yourself and your business? If you haven’t set your annual goals yet, here are some questions that you should ask yourself to get you started. Where have I been? What did you accomplish in your business in… Read More »4 Tips to Setting Your Annual Goals

Should you hire a unicorn?

What about unicorns? Should I hire one of those? [Part 4]

Maybe I’m tainted by the 1985 movie, Legend. If you’ve never seen it and love unicorns, don’t watch it. You will be traumatized for life by the fantastical beasts and goblins and their intention for the film’s unicorns. But there’s a reason why unicorns only exist in movies and books. Hint – They are not real. I usually skip past job postings with the title “looking for a unicorn virtual… Read More »What about unicorns? Should I hire one of those? [Part 4]

types of online business manager to hire

Who do you need to hire? Online Business Manager? [Part 3]

So, you’ve hired a Virtual Assistant or Project Manager, but still need additional support in your business. Or you’ve hired everyone that you need and now you’re ready to take a step back in your business but want it to continue to run like a well oiled machine even in your absence. There’s a role for that. Online Business Manager (OBM). When do you hire a Online Business Manager? You… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Online Business Manager? [Part 3]

hire a project manager

Who do you need to hire? Project Manager? [Part 2]

This is post number 2 in a series that I’m calling Who do you need to hire? If you missed my first post, start here. This post is all about whether a Project Manager would be the right hire for your online business. Let’s jump right in. When do you hire a Project Manager? The best time to hire a project manager is BEFORE you run into too many team… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Project Manager? [Part 2]

Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Who do you need to hire? Virtual Assistant? [Part 1]

Let’s get unconfused about all the different types of online support that is available to online business owners and entrepreneurs. There are so many different terms being used, it’s hard to know which one is right for your business. Plus, it doesn’t help that some entrepreneurs are adding their own twists to these common terms, making the pool of options even larger and more confusing. Digital Business Manager, Online Business… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Virtual Assistant? [Part 1]

The 3 Cs of the Client Onboarding Process

The 3 C’s of the Client Onboarding Process

Every entrepreneur should have an onboarding process. When new clients or even employees join your business there should be a formal process that introduces them to your services and helps them get up to speed faster on what’s next. If you don’t have an onboarding process or need to improve yours, you’re in luck, as here is what I’ve determined are the must haves in a client onboarding process. Auditory… Read More »The 3 C’s of the Client Onboarding Process

Business on Flow Integration Automation

This Girl was on F.I.A. – Flow, Integration, Automation

I’ve attended many summits, but this is the first where I’ve been a featured speaker. 🎉🎉 I chose for my topic how to manage your business systems (and lupus) better with flow, integration, and automation. I coined the process FIA and I’m sharing the video with you so that you too can learn how to be a business owner on F.I.A!! So, which part of FIA are you ready to… Read More »This Girl was on F.I.A. – Flow, Integration, Automation

Your Onboarding Process Sucks, but it doesn't have to

Your client onboarding process sucks – here’s why AND how to fix it

Let me be the first to tell you that your onboarding process sucks. Most clients won’t tell you this. Instead, they’ll just leave or not refer your service to anyone or ask for a refund. And why not? If a service-based business has not put much thought into the client experience after money or credit cards have changed hands, what makes you think they’ll stick around? Here are just some… Read More »Your client onboarding process sucks – here’s why AND how to fix it

Show Up As An Authority on LinkedIn

4 Easy Steps to Show Up As An Authority on LinkedIn

Are you using LinkedIn to grow your network or your business? Do you ‘look’ like someone that’s an expert? Are you acting like someone that’s an expert? Here are some simple, easy steps to not only act like an expert, but also look like an expert on LinkedIn. Add a Profile Picture I don’t know about you, but if someone is telling me that they’re an expert, I want to… Read More »4 Easy Steps to Show Up As An Authority on LinkedIn