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podcast audience

Ready to Grow Your Podcast Audience? Here’s how…

If I didn’t scare you away from starting a podcast with the first post, good deal. Now, let’s talk about how to grow your podcast audience. Because you want your podcast to reach others outside of your bedroom closet, right? A podcast with a listener of one is no good. After you’ve decided on your podcast host, think about how your audience is going to actually find your content. They’re… Read More »Ready to Grow Your Podcast Audience? Here’s how…

Online Project Management Tools

Online Project Management Tools for the Busy Business Owner

Long gone are the days when Microsoft Project is the only tool available to Project Managers. There are several tools on the market now that are available online and offer free and affordable options for service-based businesses. I’ve even heard of a few people who use it for managing their personal lives as well. Hey, if it works, it works. Here are my top picks of online project management tools.… Read More »Online Project Management Tools for the Busy Business Owner

Virtual Assistant - How to make it work tips

Just hired a VA? Here’s how to make it work.

You’ve hired a Virtual Assistant, now what? Here are some tips to help you to make this business arrangement beneficial to both you and your new Virtual Assistant. Let’s make it work, so you can continue to build your business and brand. Onboarding If you don’t have an onboarding process for your Virtual Assistant, that needs to be one of the first tasks that you have them assist you with.… Read More »Just hired a VA? Here’s how to make it work.

podcast host

Podcast Host – How to Choose Yours

Wondering which podcast host to choose? There are many options out there. Some have been around since the beginning of podcasting, while others are just getting into the game. So which one do you go with? Let’s get into it. Here is the one that I chose and the others that I considered for my podcast home. Anchor My podcast, Drop the Aspiring Act, resides on the Anchor platform. This… Read More »Podcast Host – How to Choose Yours

start a podcast

So You Want To Start A Podcast

The podcast industry is booming!! Or at least that’s what everyone is saying. Before that it was blogging, now we have moved to audio or is it video? Who knows? Whatever the case, have you decided that you want to take a crack at starting your own podcast? But where do you begin? Here’s my opinion and how to start a podcast. Pick A Topic What is your podcast going… Read More »So You Want To Start A Podcast

Consistency Counts - Create Quality Content

Consistency Counts (on Social Media)

……and in real life, but ESPECIALLY on social media. Are you being consistent on the platforms that your customers are on? If not, my new video series Consistency Counts is a much watch. In this series, I will be breaking down how you can show up more on social media. Consistency vs Frequency And let’s be clear, consistency and frequency is not the same thing. Consistency is about showing up… Read More »Consistency Counts (on Social Media)

Find Your Niche Newbies is Bad Advice

Find Your Niche and other stupid advice offered to newbies in business

I think I’ve said this in one of my videos already but it’s worth repeating. It’s like one day someone decided that the words ‘find your niche’ sounds sophisticated and professional, let’s spew that out to the masses. And now you hear it everywhere from just about every ‘guru’ or expert. Here’s why finding your niche is bad advice and some other expert advice you should steer clear from. Find… Read More »Find Your Niche and other stupid advice offered to newbies in business

Core Values Outsource Mondays

Why choose Outsource Mondays? Our Core Values Make us Different

There are many business and agencies that offer the same services as Outsource Mondays. What makes us different from the competition? Here are the core values of Outsource Monday and what we stand by in our business. When we provide Online Business Management, Project Management, or Virtual Assistant services this is what we also offer. Quality This is the #1 promise of Outsource Mondays. We provide quality by staying up… Read More »Why choose Outsource Mondays? Our Core Values Make us Different

free graphics

Free Graphics Here

Can’t find any good images for your website, blog, or social media posts? Check out these sites that offer free graphics/stock photos that you can use in your business. Share your favorite in the comments. Pixabay Pixabay is at the top of my list because I have been using this site for years. I also love that I no longer have to download and upload the images in Canva because… Read More »Free Graphics Here

Social Media Scheduling Tools

Best Social Media Scheduling Tools/Apps

Hootsuite Hootsuite is at the top of my list because it allows you to manage 3 social media accounts using the free plan. If you need more than this, you can always upgrade to a paid plan. Now, Hootsuite can be used for most social media accounts, but the two I use it the most for are Twitter and LinkedIn because these platforms don’t have the option to schedule within… Read More »Best Social Media Scheduling Tools/Apps