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not your ideal client

Who is Not Your Ideal Client

There is a reason why a lot of online marketers will tell you to learn who your ideal customer is. Ever try to find a needle in a haystack? It’s not easy pickings. However, if you narrow down your customer base, it might make it just a bit easier to reach that customer. You will have a better idea of their likes/dislikes, personality, or buying habits. This you can use… Read More »Who is Not Your Ideal Client

Charge Your Worth

Charge Your Worth: Which plastic surgeon would you hire?

As a Virtual Assistant, I am in several online communities that cater to Virtual Assistants (VAs) and Online Business Managers (OBMs). One question or discussion that I see time and time again is about rates. CLIENT: Why do VAs cost that much an hour? CLIENT: Why don’t US VAs charge the same low rates as overseas VAs? VA: When I give clients my rates, they always ask for a breakdown… Read More »Charge Your Worth: Which plastic surgeon would you hire?

Here to Stay and Slay

Outsource Mondays is here to STAY & SLAY!!

Since December 2018, when I decided that I would venture into the online space of Virtual Assistance the road has been quite bumpy. From having doubt set in, to negative self-talk about all the reasons why I can’t make this work to looking at the dwindling of my savings account and debating about all the reasons why I should get a ‘real’ job, to pushing myself to be more confident,… Read More »Outsource Mondays is here to STAY & SLAY!!