Do you choose a yearly word for yourself? For your business?
If you do, share yours in comments. If you don’t share why not.

For Q1 my word for my business is growth and my word for myself as an employee in my business is prioritize. At the end of Q1, I’ll determine if I will continue with the same word or if I need to transition to a new word depending on what my results are with the action (or inaction) that I take on both terms.
Having a word works for me because it allows me to pay attention to what my focus is on for the year or quarter. When I take action or make decisions, I try to align it around what I indicated my goals and expected outcomes are. I use the one word to sum it all together and keep it visible in my working space.
What about you? Do you have a word that you choose for your year or quarter in business?
Your Virtual Asset @ Outsource Mondays
It’s not too late to choose a word. Share yours below.