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Project Management

Increase Your Productivity Challenge Day 1 - List It

Increase Your Productivity Challenge Day 1: List It

This is day one of the five day challenge to Increase Your Productivity. If you want to be more productive, you have to start by listing it. Watch Day 1 below to get your first assignment: LIST IT. Before you start, make sure you have 10 minutes to get the assignment and 10 minutes to DO THE WORK. Watch for the Assignment: Day 1 Assignment Prefer to watch on Instagram,… Read More »Increase Your Productivity Challenge Day 1: List It

What impacts your productivity?

What impacts your productivity?

In a previous post, we talked about ways that you can improve your productivity, but now let’s talk about what impacts your productivity on a day-to-day basis. If we want to improve something we have to understand how it currently works and why it is the way it is. So, let’s get a bit real about that today. What is really impacting your productivity? Y – O – U At… Read More »What impacts your productivity?

5 reasons why you need to have team meeting agenda

5 Reasons Why You Need To Have Team Meeting Agendas

We’ve all been in meetings that lasted unnecessarily long, right? In business, time is money and while meetings are essential for teamwork, long meetings can be counterproductive. This is why you need a team meeting agenda. But first, what is a meeting agenda? It’s basically an outline of what you and your team are going to discuss in a meeting, it is more of a path and it is what… Read More »5 Reasons Why You Need To Have Team Meeting Agendas

4 Time Management Tips for Busy Mompreneurs

4 Quick Time Management Tips for Busy Mompreneurs

This list is going to be quick because I know we mompreneurs are short on time. πŸ‘ΆπŸΎπŸΌπŸ”πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ’ΌπŸ“Š But we always get it done because we’re wired to make things happen. Here is how you can make things happen a little more efficiently. Know your priorities Work-family balance may seem difficult at first, but it is vital. Rather than running in circles, set your goals and make a priority list of… Read More »4 Quick Time Management Tips for Busy Mompreneurs

Organizing Your Time Management Systems

Organizing your Time Management Systems: DAY 03

Today it’s all about time and how you manage it. If you let it, time can get away from you and have you chasing after it to get back aligned with doing the things that you love in your business. Here are some tips to help you get back to organizing your time. Boss Up Your Time Management Skills and Boss Up Your Organizational Skills. Tick Tock CEO Day 03:… Read More »Organizing your Time Management Systems: DAY 03

Organizing your cash flow system

Organizing your Cash Flow Systems: DAY 02

This week’s talk is about money and how you’re managing it as it comes in and goes out. If you missed Day 01 of the Boss Up Your Organizational Skills series, start here. This week continues with how you can organize your cash flow systems to improve your business systems, know what’s happening with your revenue, and be better prepared for tax season. Watch below. If you have trouble watching… Read More »Organizing your Cash Flow Systems: DAY 02

Boss Up Your Organizational Skills

Boss Up Your Organizational Skills: DAY 01

This month marks the first Boss Up Series for 2022. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I chose this month for Q1 because it’s Women’s History Month and includes International Women’s Day. What better way to celebrate than to share how female bosses and entrepreneurs can boss up their skills to take their business to the next level. The theme for this first Boss Up Series is Boss Up Your Organizational Skills. Every Monday in… Read More »Boss Up Your Organizational Skills: DAY 01

Prioritize Time Management Hack - Do, Delegate, Defer, Delete

Do. Delegate. Defer. Delete.

No, it’s not a catchy new dance move. It’s a time management hack that you can use to get more out of your time/day without feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list. For 2022, one of the words in my business is prioritize. The problem with being good at a lot of different skills, is that you get tasked with all the things and then it becomes harder to see… Read More »Do. Delegate. Defer. Delete.

hire a project manager

Who do you need to hire? Project Manager? [Part 2]

This is post number 2 in a series that I’m calling Who do you need to hire? If you missed my first post, start here. This post is all about whether a Project Manager would be the right hire for your online business. Let’s jump right in. When do you hire a Project Manager? The best time to hire a project manager is BEFORE you run into too many team… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Project Manager? [Part 2]

Online Project Management Tools

Online Project Management Tools for the Busy Business Owner

Long gone are the days when Microsoft Project is the only tool available to Project Managers. There are several tools on the market now that are available online and offer free and affordable options for service-based businesses. I’ve even heard of a few people who use it for managing their personal lives as well. Hey, if it works, it works. Here are my top picks of online project management tools.… Read More »Online Project Management Tools for the Busy Business Owner