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Filter Your Focus Product Service

Filter Your Focus – Product or Service

What product or service are you offering? How much is your target client willing to pay for it? Watch this video now for this and more questions that you should be asking yourself if you are ready to Filter Your Focus on what your client needs/wants. This is the last video in the Filter Your Focus Series. If you missed any, start here or here. What did you think of… Read More »Filter Your Focus – Product or Service

Filter Your Focus Social Media

Filter Your Focus – Social Media

Now that know who you’re targeting, are you setup on the same platforms as them? Watch the continuation of the Filter Your Focus Series on Social Media. Missed the previous episode? Catch it here. Let me know in the comments which platforms you are currently on. Leave your handles below for more like-minded followers. Follow me on Instagram @Outsource_Mondays.

Filter Your Focus Target Audience

Filter Your Focus – Target Audience

Does she walk like a boss? talk like boss? Does she have manicured nails to set the pedicure off? Is she fly effortlessly? Who is she and are you sure you’re talking to her in your business? In the previous video of this series, I discussed brand message but maybe I should have started with your target audience. In hindsight, everything comes back to your customer profile and the message… Read More »Filter Your Focus – Target Audience