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Filter Your Focus – Forget Find Your Niche

Filter Your Focus

If somebody gave me a dollar for every time I heard a guru say find your niche, I’d be almost rich. It’s like somebody said one day let’s use the word niche because it sounds cool and give this advice to everyone so that we can be ‘experts’ in the business. Is it working??

I’m not bashing anyone who has found their niche and it works great for them. More power to you. However, there are lots of people, especially those starting out in business, who don’t even know what they like or dislike about their industry and telling them to find their niche early on, may be discouraging advice. It then brings on questions like:

  • How do I find my niche?
  • What if the niche I pick isn’t the right fit for me? How do I then pivot?
  • What are all the niches to be found?
  • What if I like multiple niches?

So, instead of telling newcomers to find their niche, how about we give them some useful direction/guidance. Check out my new video series called Filter Your Focus. This was designed to help those who have tried and failed to find their niche or are so stuck on finding their niche that they just don’t start any business.

Let me know in the comments if this resonates with you or if I totally missed the mark. I get it find your niche is the popular thing to say, but everybody doesn’t think the same way or won’t get it until they are beyond the beginning phases of their business. Let’s not keep them stuck because they can’t get past the industry standard of niching down.

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