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Increase Your Productivity Challenge Day 4: Process and Plan It

Increase Your Productivity Day 4 - Process and Plan It

It’s time for an eval on your time. With all of the data that you captured during this challenge, now is the real work. Evaluate where you spending your time then take action with this next step. Process the data and make a plan for next steps. Begin by watching Day 4 today.

Before you start, make sure you have 10 minutes to get the assignment and 10 minutes to DO THE WORK. If you missed Day 1, start here. Each lesson builds off of the day before so don’t skip any days.

Watch for the Assignment:

Assignment #4:

Part 1: Process It

  • Answer the following questions and spend some real time thinking about ways that you can change your current situation.
    • How much time are you spending in love?
    • How much time are you spending in hate?
    • How much time are you spending in indifference?
    • Where are you spending the most time?

Part 2: Plan It

  • Think about REAL ways that you can change your current situation.
    • What tasks can you delete, delegate, or automate?
    • Who can you barter services with?
    • How much revenue do you need to generate to hire help?
    • What is the best approach for your business and business model?

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