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Virtual Assistant or Online Business Manager - which one do you need?

Virtual Assistant vs Online Business Manager – Which one do you need?

Hey Bosses! Are you an online service provider looking to hire some help? Don’t know whether to go for a virtual assistant or an online business manager? Fear not my friend! I’m here to explain the difference between the two and help you make the right choice! Virtual Assistant vs Online Business Manager – which one do you really need? First things first, let’s talk about virtual assistants. Virtual Assistants… Read More »Virtual Assistant vs Online Business Manager – Which one do you need?

Achieve your business goals with an Online Business Manager

How an OBM can help you achieve your online business goals

As more and more businesses move online, the need for skilled online business managers has increased. What is an online business manager? An online business manager (OBM) is someone who helps run and manage an online business, essentially taking over some of the business owner’s responsibilities. Which responsibilities would you like to turn over to someone else today? I know you can think of at least one thing that you… Read More »How an OBM can help you achieve your online business goals

4 signs you need an online business manager

Signs you need to hire an OBM

It’s time to hire an OBM. When you started your business, you probably thought it was all about YOU. But now that you’re beginning to gain attention and more opportunities, you want to ensure everything stays on track. That’s where an OBM comes in! An OBM will help you manage your business’ needs and ensure that everything is in order as your company grows. If you’re not sure if your… Read More »Signs you need to hire an OBM

types of online business manager to hire

Who do you need to hire? Online Business Manager? [Part 3]

So, you’ve hired a Virtual Assistant or Project Manager, but still need additional support in your business. Or you’ve hired everyone that you need and now you’re ready to take a step back in your business but want it to continue to run like a well oiled machine even in your absence. There’s a role for that. Online Business Manager (OBM). When do you hire a Online Business Manager? You… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Online Business Manager? [Part 3]