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Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant or Online Business Manager - which one do you need?

Virtual Assistant vs Online Business Manager – Which one do you need?

Hey Bosses! Are you an online service provider looking to hire some help? Don’t know whether to go for a virtual assistant or an online business manager? Fear not my friend! I’m here to explain the difference between the two and help you make the right choice! Virtual Assistant vs Online Business Manager – which one do you really need? First things first, let’s talk about virtual assistants. Virtual Assistants… Read More »Virtual Assistant vs Online Business Manager – Which one do you need?

3 Mistakes That You're Doing in Business That Stop Growth And How To Stop Them

3 Mistakes That You’re Doing in Business that Stop Growth – And How to Fix Them 

We all know that it is very crucial for a business to survive in the long term. Business growth strategies are being studied and should be implemented right. Here are three common mistakes that you might be implementing in your business that keep your business from growing. 1. Going along with the trend even though it’s not what you need. Sure, keeping up with what’s new is not always bad,… Read More »3 Mistakes That You’re Doing in Business that Stop Growth – And How to Fix Them 

Should you hire a unicorn?

What about unicorns? Should I hire one of those? [Part 4]

Maybe I’m tainted by the 1985 movie, Legend. If you’ve never seen it and love unicorns, don’t watch it. You will be traumatized for life by the fantastical beasts and goblins and their intention for the film’s unicorns. But there’s a reason why unicorns only exist in movies and books. Hint – They are not real. I usually skip past job postings with the title “looking for a unicorn virtual… Read More »What about unicorns? Should I hire one of those? [Part 4]

types of online business manager to hire

Who do you need to hire? Online Business Manager? [Part 3]

So, you’ve hired a Virtual Assistant or Project Manager, but still need additional support in your business. Or you’ve hired everyone that you need and now you’re ready to take a step back in your business but want it to continue to run like a well oiled machine even in your absence. There’s a role for that. Online Business Manager (OBM). When do you hire a Online Business Manager? You… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Online Business Manager? [Part 3]

hire a project manager

Who do you need to hire? Project Manager? [Part 2]

This is post number 2 in a series that I’m calling Who do you need to hire? If you missed my first post, start here. This post is all about whether a Project Manager would be the right hire for your online business. Let’s jump right in. When do you hire a Project Manager? The best time to hire a project manager is BEFORE you run into too many team… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Project Manager? [Part 2]

Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Who do you need to hire? Virtual Assistant? [Part 1]

Let’s get unconfused about all the different types of online support that is available to online business owners and entrepreneurs. There are so many different terms being used, it’s hard to know which one is right for your business. Plus, it doesn’t help that some entrepreneurs are adding their own twists to these common terms, making the pool of options even larger and more confusing. Digital Business Manager, Online Business… Read More »Who do you need to hire? Virtual Assistant? [Part 1]

Charge Your Worth

Charge Your Worth: Which plastic surgeon would you hire?

As a Virtual Assistant, I am in several online communities that cater to Virtual Assistants (VAs) and Online Business Managers (OBMs). One question or discussion that I see time and time again is about rates. CLIENT: Why do VAs cost that much an hour? CLIENT: Why don’t US VAs charge the same low rates as overseas VAs? VA: When I give clients my rates, they always ask for a breakdown… Read More »Charge Your Worth: Which plastic surgeon would you hire?

Here to Stay and Slay

Outsource Mondays is here to STAY & SLAY!!

Since December 2018, when I decided that I would venture into the online space of Virtual Assistance the road has been quite bumpy. From having doubt set in, to negative self-talk about all the reasons why I can’t make this work to looking at the dwindling of my savings account and debating about all the reasons why I should get a ‘real’ job, to pushing myself to be more confident,… Read More »Outsource Mondays is here to STAY & SLAY!!