In a previous post, we talked about ways that you can improve your productivity, but now let’s talk about what impacts your productivity on a day-to-day basis. If we want to improve something we have to understand how it currently works and why it is the way it is. So, let’s get a bit real about that today. What is really impacting your productivity?
Y – O – U
At the top of that list is you! How productive you are depends on you. You are in control of your time, your calendar, and how you spend your day. Unless you have kids because they might think that they’re the boss, but it all goes back to how you manage around the life that you have. Mom boss or not. It all starts with you.
Your Plan/Approach
There are plenty of techniques, hacks, and tips/tricks that you can use to make yourself more productive. I’ve shared plenty of them on this blog and across my social platforms. But at the end of the day it all comes down to choosing the plan or approach that works for you.
This is going to require that you learn some things about yourself and be honest about it. What time of the day do you get the most work done? Which type of work do you enjoy doing? Which type of work makes you want to avoid sitting at your desk because it just drains you? How can you set up your days to play on your strengths?

These are just a few questions to start with, but answering them allows you to create a better plan for your day that leverages information about your personality and habits and what makes you most productive. Let’s face it, every hack isn’t going to work for you. Choose the ones the make sense for who you know you are.
Your Support System/Team
Build a team that enables you to be more productive. If you don’t have one, start looking for them. Even if it’s just means finding one person that can make your day run a little bit smoother.
It could be your spouse, who knows that on Mondays you’re the busiest so instead of waiting on you to cook dinner they do it. It’s not always about hiring out help. It can be as simple as asking the people in your immediate space to support you better. Don’t feel like you have to take on the load alone, build a support system/team by communicating your needs and how others can help you to be more productive, and let’s face it sometimes more sane.
Your Foundation
Lastly, let’s talk about your foundation. If you’re building on chaos, you just create more chaos. If nobody’s ever told you that, I’m telling you that today. We agreed that this would be an honest conversation.
I want you to take a step back and assess the foundation that your business is built on. Do you have systems in place? Is (at a minimum) 50% of your processes automated? Can someone from the outside walk in and be effective in your business because you’ve laid out the foundation so well that they can become impactful in their first month of working with you?
If you answered no, there is work to be done. You need to fix the holes in the foundation before you continue to build on top of it because if you choose to ignore them, the whole thing could come crashing down at any moment and it throws all of your hard work out the door with it.

Your Virtual Asset @ Outsource Mondays
What else (if anything) would you say impacts your productivity as a business owner? Let’s talk about it. Share below.